


KnightFinder was a school group project that I had to do for my software development class. When I worked on this project I was just in charge of working on the crud aspects of the front end. I decided to rebuild this project by myself as a full stack MERN application. This allowed me to work on my skills as a developer as well as practice more with the backend. On the front end, I used Next.js, as well as for the chatting aspect.

Use the following information to login User: password:Salt2020@


Senior Design project

For Senior Design, My group and I's idea was a recipe tablet built into a kitchen or counter top. Due to budget, ethical, and time reasons we could never get something built into an actual kitchen counter-top. What we did to emulate the kitchen experience was to build the application on top of a kitchen cart. We used a a tv monitor, inductive touch foil, and a custom wood frame for the top part of the cart.

As far as the application, It stored recipes for each unique user, as well as a recipe step page where it would walk the user through each step. Additionally as part of our MicroController component of our project we had a weight-scale that would measure in real time and display the weight of the item on screen. We built it for the purpose that users could leave items on top of the screen so for the design we pushed all the Ui items to one side to leave space for that.

HtmlCss/SassJavascriptMaterialize cssDjango/Python

Restaurant application

This is a restaurant application that I built using Next.js for the frontend, and Strapi for the backend. I used Cloudinary to store any images. I also used Strapi's authentication system to authenticate users in the front end. This way a user can change restaurant information from either Strapi or the front end. I used Next.js for the SSR (server side rendering) and SSG(static site generation) capabilities. For items that get updated frequently like offers or events, I used SSR. For items that don't get updated very frequently, I used SSG. This is meant to be an application that I can sell to potential clients. It is scalable and completely customizable for any Restaurant.
